VCR News

A Recap of 2024 & Looking Ahead: VCR Annual Report
Each year around this time, we take a moment to reflect on our work and the progress we’ve made. We assess our approach to serving the community, celebrate what has been successful, and collaborate to identify opportunities for growth and improvement in the year ahead.

2024 CMSL: Just Released!
We are excited to share the newest version of the Children of Metropolitan St. Louis: A Data Book for the Community with you! It is hot off the press and ready for community action and advocacy!

Our Year in Review: 2023 Annual Report
Over the past three decades, VCR has been committed to the well-being of children, families, and the communities in which they live. We believe that child well-being does not and cannot happen in isolation of family well-being. That is why the VCR team continues to walk alongside families, creating safe spaces where they can come together to focus on growing their parenting skills and building leadership capacity.

Stepping Up for Kids 2023
What a heartfelt, beautiful celebration we had at our Stepping Up for Kids event! Thank you to all of our sponsors and honorees, you truly have gone the extra mile stepping up for children and families!
Our brief descriptions for each honoree give only a glimpse into all they do for children and families. Check out their bios and event photos in our post today.

Community Cafe
At Community Cafés: We address issues raised by the community; We create a safe space for community members & stakeholders to talk; We learn and grow together; and WE TAKE ACTION TOGETHER.
Join us!

Partner Training
We were excited to see this opportunity for a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training provided by some great St. Louis area organizations. If you work as school staff in St. Louis City or County schools, this is for you!

Public Awareness Campaign RFP
Reducing mental health stigma and preventing child abuse and neglect, this is the mission of a 2023 Public Awareness Campaign we are excited to begin work on. We are seeking talented professionals to help us develop a comprehensive plan and implement the campaign.

2022 Annual Report
Throughout 2022 we revived activities that had been on hold due to the pandemic, we continued to utilize program models that have demonstrated a proven impact on children and families, and we listened to the community as we started new endeavors. Vision for Children at Risk (VCR) continues to promote the well-being of children, youth, and their families, with a primary focus on those impacted by socioeconomic risk and racial inequity.

Hot Off the Press! 12th Edition of the CMSL
This data book is for you, for the community addressing inequities and improving the well-being of children in our region. We continue to highlight recent data on over 40 indicators of child well-being.

Stepping Up for Kids 2022
The annual Stepping Up for Kids Awards Luncheon celebrates the amazing stories of resource families and front-line agency staff who give outstanding service to children in foster and adoptive care. Awardees are nominated by their peers and have gone the extra mile to ensure safe and supportive homes for children who have experienced abuse and neglect, many of whom today continue to face behavioral and physical health issues.