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The LIFT MO Pilot Project is a collaborative effort established by DSS in partnership with a collaborative group to connect families enrolled in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program with a resource advocate. Advocates help enable, empower, and assist families in accessing and navigating resources that will help them in their journey.
We are committed to walking alongside families as they navigate services and systems, identify and engage their natural supports, and grow their skills and parenting confidence.
DSS data shows that families accessing TANF prior to involvement with the child welfare system are twice as likely as the general Missouri population to be the subject of a Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation and twice as likely to have their children placed in foster care within 60 days of the hotline call. Families enter through the TANF “door” based on economic needs.
The goal of LIFT MO is to decrease the number of families on TANF with subsequent child welfare involvement by helping them connect to resources and build strong support systems. Additionally, the desire is to better understand resource gaps and lack of supports that lead families on TAN into the child welfare system more often. The pilot project will help determine how to build prevention systems further upstream that connect resources in a meaningful, usable way for families in crisis.
- One of Missouri’s top priorities is helping families/caregivers find resources and information they need to keep kids safe.
- Stable & nurturing families increase positive outcomes for children.
- Using the protective factors strengthens families, and promotes child well-being.
- In SFY22, Missouri had 58,242 child abuse and neglect reports involving 80.529 children.
- In SFY22, approximately 61% of those reports had assessments.
Join Us
- Parents:
Families who have an active or new Department of Social Services (DSS) TANF case and live in Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott, Stoddard, St. Louis City, or St. Louis County are eligible. Contact Mia Daugherty, VCR Resource Advocate, to learn more: or 314-534-6015 ext. 131.
- Partner Organizations:
The Department of Social Services (DSS) has collaborated with VCR as one of two pilot areas for LIFT MO. If you’d like to partner with VCR’s work in St. Louis City and St. Louis County, contact Isaac McBride to learn more at
To learn more from DSS about LIFT MO, email DSS.LIFTMO@DSS.MO.GOV or call 573-415-8337.
Thank you to our many families and organizational partners that have already joined in on this initiative, including Department of Social Services, Family and Community Trust (FACT), and New Madrid County Family Resource Center.
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